Sunday, October 29, 2023


Black coffee.

No milk or cream.

No sugar.

Boiling hot.

In a limited time span, I am to drink you.

I try to use you for good.

But you are a fuel for a day gone bad.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Rest In Peace, Suicide

Welcome to the afterlife!
You almost claimed me!
Is it The Glory of God?
The mercy of Satan?
The misery of both?

I never color in the lines.
I get ink in my palm.
Virtually impossible.

Nothing is to blame for our complications.
This is us, lost, fledgling
to make sense to those we cherish.

You're good.
I'm vulnerable.
You've had a shaky past.
I run from mine, only to share it.

So rest well.
I'm sure you'll be calling when I need my prescription filled.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Kiss the Sky

Excuse me, Jimmy.

I managed to maintain.

Reasons or excuses, I still pressed forward.

Taking your advice, Evey step of the way.

Excuse me, Jimi.

I smell a wildflower.

I can open my mind (now).

My parents are divided.

One dead, one in an emotional jail.

I am the only one free to

Kiss the Sky.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Earth Story

I can hear the song now.
The chorus, a meditation.
The lyrics, policies.

Work with me, now...

Rodney Kingeth

 Yo u believe in.

Pardon me.

You believe in me.

From too young to ratify.

I am spoiled with Black Love.

Poisoned by White Power.

I use the N word as a form of neutral entertainment.

Anger, disposed by color.

Remember me with love.

Regard me as a treat.

Easy on the discipline. I got that.

Damn, white people.

My distance is to clarify what isn't known.


Ghood Vibes

I love St. Clair.
I love St. Albans.
I love Harlem.
I love Brownsville.
I love The South Bronx.
I love Compton.
I love South Central.
I love Skid Row.
I love DTLA.

I love my hood.
I love THE hood.


Heaven's Demon

You make me scream from my spirit.

You make me shout with my spirit.

You correct me without saying a word.

You know without belittling.

You never settleYou deserve more.

I wish I had moremore to share with you.

For now, let's just get high.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Claymation Satan

There's no way you can be Satan!
You're too nice!
You're too kind!
You're too sweet!

You're not handsome enough!

You're not talented enough!

Cut that shit out!


Charles Hamilton


I idolize the fallen.
The cheer of their appearance gratifies me.

The fall has become the idol.

You expect my demise.
I planned my own.
I plan on being the bloody teardrop.
The inbred menace. 

Can you feel me?

I understand why you don't.

Everything you idolize is a fable.

Strange Place

To be a stranger.

I'm in a strange place to be a stranger.

I fear nothing.
I am guarded by madmen.

And mad men.

I find myself to be the adversary of men.
Your choices define your voices.
God agrees with me.

This is why there was to be 2 of every beast. 
Male and female.

Here's to hoping God broke it down that far.


 Unrequited love is love unreciprocated. How many times have you given love, only to not get it back? Free music is for those who love the a...