Friday, April 26, 2024


I don't want you to see my ugly.
I don't want you to see my ogre.

It's right there.
You touch it when you hug me.
You suck it when you fuck me.

You laugh at it as I sweat.

My ugly.

My ogre.

Suck my toes!, my ugly says and does.

My ogre is obedient. 
Yet ugly.

And cruel.

Don't fuck me anymore.

You have my ogre on your breath.

And it's ugly.

Don't leave me alone.
Don't walk away.

Just bear with my ugly.
Just bear with my ogre.

Straightjacket, now...


 Unrequited love is love unreciprocated. How many times have you given love, only to not get it back? Free music is for those who love the a...