Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Playing With Pain

Fuck fire.

i need fire. fire is electric.

But fuck it.
I want to touch it, but I can't.

The blue of the flame ignites my inner child.
The tangerine dream informs me of danger.
The white tip.

This cigarette is my victim.

Alas, my beloved doobie...

Fire brings pain.
I burn my palms, in anticipation of weed.

Or something stronger.

Fire in the rain.
Cigarettes don't last forever.
That's why they kill.

I need to set something on fire.
I need to be The Artic Arsonist. 

I'll write a spell and burn the paper.
Make your wish come true.

The Devil is my chin hair.

Instead of shaving,

I burn it.

Fuck fire.


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